Join us
If you are interested in joining the group, or collaborating with us, please get in touch. Below is some specific information on opportunities for researchers at different career stages (including options for externally funded fellowships, prospective PhD students and our Mathematical Biology MSc).
Externally Funded Fellowships
We welcome applications for fellowships sponsored by research councils and other funding bodies to be supported within the Mathematical Biology Group.
If you are interested in applying, please contact Alexander Stewart at ajs50 AT Your e-mail should contain the following:
- CV (including a full publication list)
- A (max 1 page) PDF document summarising your research vision and fit with the group
- The fellowship scheme you are interested in applying to
- Please check your eligibility to apply with the relevant funding body.
- Fellowship applications to the School are subject to internal review, and should be made well in advance of the scheme closing date.
Fellowship Schemes
The following fellowship schemes may be of interest to researchers working in Mathematical Biology.
Royal Society
The Royal Society has several fellowship schemes, including the highly prestigious five year University Research Fellowships, and the two year Newton International Fellowships, amongst others. A complete list of current schemes can be found here.
UKRI Future Leaders Fellowship (FLF)
The UKRI FLF is a cross-UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) scheme that supports early career researchers and innovators with outstanding potential. The selection process for this fellowship involves multiple stages, and the deadlines for applications to the School will be updated in due course.
Leverhulme Trust
The Leverhulme Trust offers a three year early career fellowship open to researchers in any field except those studying disease, illness and disabilities in humans and animals, or research that is intended to inform clinical practice or the development of medical applications.
EPSRC offers both postdoctoral fellowships and the Open fellowship. Open Fellowships are for all career stages beyond post-doctoral level. Up to date information on EPSRC fellowships can be found here.
The BBSRC Discovery Fellowship supports independent, early career researchers working in Biotechnology and the Biomedical Sciences. Full details of the scheme can be found here.
The MRC career development award supports independent researchers in a medical research field. Details of the scheme can be found here.
PhD Applicants
We actively seek outstanding MSc students and final year undergraduates, expected to gain a First or good Upper Second class degree in a mathematically based subject, interested in joining us to do a PhD. No prior knowledge of Mathematical Biology is required.
Enquiries should be directed to the member of the group you are interested in working with.
Mathematical Biology MSc
The School of Mathematics and Statistics runs a one-year MSc in Mathematical Biology. Details of the programme, and instructions for applicants, can be found here.